World Quality Day Celebration

World Quality Day Celebration

‘World Quality Day’ is designed to recognize the quality contributions of professionals across the Globe and Bearys whole heartedly welcome this opportunity to celebrate the many achievements of the project team and the organization.

Bearys Group of Institutions organise Ullal Beach clean up day

Bearys Group of Institutions organise Ullal Beach clean up day

On the 27th of August, 2023, at 7:30 AM on a Sunday, the Bearys Group of Institutions orchestrated a remarkable event – the Ullal Beach Clean Up Day – right in our city. Their mission is to nurture tomorrow’s leaders with an innovative perspective on sustainability.

Bearys Group Grandly Celebrated Independence Day

Bearys Group Grandly Celebrated Independence Day

It has been an age-old tradition at Bearys Group to celebrate national festivals in a true spirit of patriotism and instil this sentiment in all its employees, faculty, students, and associates including neighbours. 

Chennai Cloud & Data Centre Convention

Chennai Cloud & Data Centre Convention

The CMD of Bearys Group Mr. Syed Mohamed Beary was invited by W.MEDIA as a panellist at the Chennai Cloud & Datacentre Convention for the session “How has hyperscale recharted India’s data centre direction?” which was held on 19th May 2023 at Hotel Hilton, Chennai.